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Proud Scholarship Recipients




Southwest PGA Foundation Scholarship Information
and Application Process

The Southwest PGA Foundation will be accepting applications for our scholarship grants for the 2024/2025 academic year. Scholarships are available to the children, grandchildren, spouses, nieces, nephews, and employees of Southwest PGA Member Professionals in good standing or JGAA, SAJGA, or PGAJL qualified. This year’s application process will once again be done completely online through Submittable. Users will need to create an account in order to make a submission.

May 15th, 2024 – Application Live
July 12th, 2024 – Application Deadline
July 31st, 2024 – Notification of Selection Results
August 2024 – Funds Distributed

The Southwest PGA Foundation scholarship program provides financial assistance for the families of Southwest Section member professionals. The Southwest PGA Foundation is a publicly supported 501c3 charitable organization. Over the past three years, the foundation has granted $41,000 in scholarship assistance.

For questions on the Southwest PGA Foundation Scholarship program, please get in touch with Foundation Executive Director Danny Medina,

Southwest Section Foundation Scholarship Criteria & Outline:

Applicant must be a child, grandchild, spouse, niece, nephew, employee (full or part-time), of a Southwest Section PGA member in good standing or JGAA, SAJGA, or PGAJL qualified. Applicants must have completed (or plan to complete) high school by September 1st of the current year and enroll as a full-time student at an accredited college or university.

JGAA – SAJGA – PGAJL Qualification

  1. Meeting the entire Southwest PGA Foundation Scholarship criteria is mandatory.
  2. In addition, for JGAA – SAJGA – PGAJL applicants, a letter of recommendation is required.
  3. The letter of recommendation must be provided by either:
    • Scott McNevin from the JGAA
    • Judy McDermott from the SAJGA
    • The lead golf professional who conducted and coached your PGAJL team.
  4. The letter of recommendation should:
    •   Include the date of issue.
    •   Confirm your participation in good standing with the program.
    •   Provide insight into your junior golf journey.

Southwest PGA Foundation Scholarship Criteria:

A full-time student is defined as one who is taking twelve (12) or more hours in a course of study leading to a traditional Associate (2-year) or Baccalaureate (4-year) degree at an accredited college or university located in the United States. The Southwest PGA Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee will review class ranking, grade point average, either ACT or SAT test scores, and extracurricular activities in determining scholarship recipients. Extracurricular activities will assist the Committee in further evaluating the candidate’s interests and abilities. Contributions to the community may be demonstrated by involvement in local clubs, organizations, or associations. These activities should be documented, and attested, by type and year involved. Any distinguished honors or awards should be noted on the application.

Scholarship recipients will be determined by August 1st and will be notified by the Southwest PGA Foundation. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified and if eligible, will be encouraged to apply the following year.

All Scholarship recipient names and photos may be placed on the Southwest Section Foundation PGA website (, social media pages, and included in an official press release following formal notification. All scholarship awards will be issued directly to the college/university of the recipient’s choice.

PGA OF AMERICA Assistance Fund Scholarship for 2024-2025


December 9, 2023 – Application Live
April 10, 2024 – Application Deadline
June 2024 – Notification of Selection Results
July 2024 – Funds Disbursed

The PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship application for the 2024-2025 school year will be available Friday, December 9, 2023. You can access the application by clicking this link.


Applicants must be children or grandchildren of a PGA member who is in good standing with the association (the PGA member may be living or deceased). Children or grandchildren of Class “F” PGA members are not eligible. The applicant is eligible to apply for one scholarship per school year. The number of scholarships a student can earn per school year is not based on the number of PGA members they are related to, nor is it based on the involvement and achievement of the PGA member. It’s one application, one student and one award.


The PGA Financial Assistance Fund Scholarship is for the first four years only. A student can receive one scholarship per school year; not to exceed the limit of two scholarships for the first four college years. A student who has received two scholarships becomes ineligible to apply. Two is the maximum number of scholarships a student can receive.